I looked up at her with me big brown eyes every so often to let her know that I'm here for her. I love me moms so, so much.

McMuffer left the room to make sure her food bowl was there (of course)---plus sized model, you know. She rubbed in the clothes in the closet and she checked in on us every now and again. Me? I never moved... glued to me mom's side. Sidenote: McMuffer now weighs 32 lbs. (down from 43 lbs) and has about 5 lbs to go. She's upset that she may lose her contract with her modeling agency for the big and beautiful. She's quite slender, I must say.
Me moms doesn't feel like using the puter too much these days (even with the iPad that me pops bought her) so she asked me to apologize. She is just in too much pain. So, I snuck onto the puter when she wasn't lookin'. Send some zen and pawers her way. They are trying to find the best surgeon for the procedure, and me hopes that she just magically heals without it, but the docs say it is necessary. Me thinks she needs to hurry up and get out of pain, heal, and get me home. I miss home, me toys, me yard, me runs with her, me treats, me Tempurpedic bed, me pillow, me mom's lap, me sofa, me pops' embrace, me pops belly rubs, and stealing off of me kitchen counter.
Here are some photos taken at Easter--just the weekend before the wreck. Look how happy we are!! Oh, I miss me mom. Oh, and there is one that has me with me 1st acupuncture needle. By the way, that holistic vet cured me.. I haven't had a problem since the day I saw her---March 31st. I now know how McMuffer got fat----I enjoy me food now---raw, baby. It may be a while before you guys hear from us, but we miss you like crazy!!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteWoo've been furry furry missed
Please please please
How awesome to hear from you, McGillicutty! Be a better boy for Miss Amy, okay?
ReplyDeleteGive your mom hugs from us, please!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
Oh McGillicutty and McMuffer and the Gilli-Moms....I did not know you were injured. I will be crossing my paws in pawreyers for you tonight. I can tell she has missed her big hunky boy and the oh so slender McMuffer too! Those sunglasses look extra cute, I must look for some since it's really bright out these das. Please give your Gilli-Moms soft woofie terrier kisses from me.
Bonnie, the wee Scottie
We are sad and will have all our paws crossed for you every day
ReplyDeleteBenny & Lily
We've been missing you and hoping your mom was doing better. Please give her our best licks and sniffs to help ease her pain!!!
ReplyDeleteWirey love,
Jake and Just Harry
Hi there McGillicutty-was so worried about you! And my Parental Unit and I sure did miss ya. I hope yer Mom heals soon and you can all get back together and blog some more
ReplyDeleteYour buddies,
Bocci and Bocci's Parental Unit.
I have my paws crossed and my mom is praying for your Mom!
ReplyDeleteWe hope she finds the best Doctor so she will be like new in no time!
Kisses and hugs to you all!
Take care
Oh Gillie...Lacie takes look one look at him in his shades and flies to the fridge to fling open the door to cool herself...
ReplyDeleteAnd McMuffer...OMD...what a change from housecoats and curlers!!!
We are totally prayin' for you mom's healing and for some pain relief for her...
It's got to be soooooo hard for her right now...it sounds like you were an awesome therapy doggie...and gave her the best treatment ever...kisses!!
Keep us updated, dear Gillie...
Love, Laciebeastie...
Oh, Gillie...it's much easier to sneak in Miss Amy's house...her floors don't have as many squeaks in 'em...(Lacie winks...!!!)
woof hoo we've missed you guys toooooo sorry that your momma still needs that op though but now that you've had a gentle visit maaybe you can have some more.... loves and licks doyle and mollie xxx
ReplyDeleteLooks like you delivered a big dose of Gilli-cilian! Just what the doctors ordered. Hope your Mom is feeling better soon, pain-free and well on the way to recovery. We'll keep her in our prayers - you two as well!
ReplyDeleteYour pal,
Oh my....it seems we missed hearing this awful news until today! It's good to see you all again, and we hope that your mom is feeling better very very soon! I'm sure your "treatment" helped speed the process up considerably! Can you fetch Guinness from the fridge for her?? (kidding!)
ReplyDeletePlease keep us posted and know that we're sending you lots of love and Puggy kisses from Indy!
S-Dog and his hoomans
Oh it's so good to hear from you guys! We heard you were all in an accident. Please give your mom gentle kisses for us.
Stella, Gunther and Betty
Oh we have missed you guys! We are so sorry your mom is still poorly. You were both wonderful giving her lots of great kisses - that should do the trick!
ReplyDeleteWe are sending lots of basset kisses too although they are a bit slobbery so you had best give her a tissue!
Good work on the weight loss - Martha might be able to take on the big and beautiful modelling contract!
Beautiful flowers - do all take care.
Martha and Bailey xxx
Yoohoo Gillie!! Boy oh boy to be sure I've been missing my dose of the Irish! I'm wagging to see you back. You and McMuffer were perfect therapy dogs , kisses and loving are the best medicine. I send some of mine too without any of mu usual jumping. ( I can when I want. If I want to Mom. So there.)
ReplyDeleteSound proper poop your Mom is still in pain though , makes me sad. I'm sending tons of tenacious terrier healing zen across the big pee to help her. Watch out for it on the wind.
Tell her to take care meantime.Mom sends gentle hugs.
Wiry love and kisses Eric xxx
Hey Gillie!
ReplyDeleteWe've missed you guys. We are sooo sorry your Mummy isn't better yet. I bet seeing you made her feels loads better though.
We're sending tons of healing AireZen to you to make your Mummy better quickly so you can all be together again soon.
Nibbles & Headrubs
Nelly & Finn xx
Mc Gillicutty and McMuffew and McMom,
ReplyDeleteWe awe so vewy sowwy that McMom is in all that pain and that you can't be thewe wif hew. I know that all youw sweet kisses cheewed hew and that youw medecin is the bestest in the land. I will add my cwossed paws and pwayews to all the othews fow McMom.
We hope she has a miwacoolous discovewy
smoochie kisses
You and Lacie are like two peas in a pod. Jaws of doom love face.
ReplyDeleteSending slobber kisses to your mom. She is needing the love right now. I will think about her to help her get better.
We know your Mom was so happy to have you visit - we hope she feels better soon.
Lilly, Piper, Carrleigh and Ruairi
Hi McGillicutty and family, Lacie told us about how your Mom has been hurt and is in a lot of pain. We stopped by to let her know that we are all thinking about her and hoping she finds some relief soon. Hugs and kisses to her.
ReplyDeleteWoos - Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara
Oh dear oh dear oh dear.......this is awfull ..Your poor Mom ...we have all paws and fingers crossed for a speedy recovery.We feel so badly......And we are glad you are feeling better as well....PL2's last puppy got acupuncture as well and she remembers that point!(but she can't remember what it is called) Coudl acupuncuter help your Mom? (PL2 swears by it....) a billion hugs (but gentle ones) A+A+PL2s
ReplyDeleteWe are sending a billion healing vibes and wish we could take away her pain.
ReplyDeleteHi Gillie me lad.Just wagging by again to see if Mom is feline any better? I hope so. I'm sure you are looking after her. Try giving her intravenous Guiness, it's powerful healing stuff. And while you're at it, I'll have a small one too. Wiry zen my friend is wafting over. Love Eric xxxxx
ReplyDeleteHi Gillie & McMuffer,
ReplyDeleteWe're thinking about you and sending lots of healing Airezen for your Mummy!
It's really hot here in the UK and we've been for a walk mega early this morning. I was very good and didn't run off (very much and was only covered a little bit with vegetation)! I found a bit of a swan! and rolled around with it.
Lots of Nelly Nibbles
Nelly ... me xxxxxxxx
We're wishing your mommy a speedy recovery and freedom from her pain. Please give her Aire and WelshieKisses from farrr N.Idaho. Also, we do miss you buddy, but understand why you can't be blogging at this time.
BabyRocketDog and Hootie
and the hooman, Cassie
Hey, Gillmeister. We didn't now your pinkie was sick. What on earth happened? It sure doesn't sound good.
ReplyDeleteWe are sending her lots of healing vibes and hop the world will hurry up to give her the surgery she needs. We don't want her to be in pain so we are sending some real soothing slobbery one too. Will you give them to her next time you visit, please?
Be good!
Love I & M
Please send another update soon so we know what's happening, we are worried...
ReplyDeletePaws crossed for you Mom today, dear kiddos...
ReplyDeleteWe've got her in our prayers!
Laciegirlie and Scruffy, Stan and Mumsie too!
Hey you all. We've not been around. It's true. Blame it on our Moma and OurGirl and all the goings-on in May and June. But that doesn't mean we've not been thinking aboutcha and your mom. Our pals have been keeping us sorta up to date (as much as possible) and we keep sending our best healing powers your way. We so hope things are improving ...
ReplyDeleteYou're in our prayers,
Jake and Fergs and Family
How is your mom doing now?? Have your kisses cured her yet??? I'm sure you guys are taking greatest care of her! We miss you guys and hope to hear a good news update.
ReplyDeleteLove your acupuncture photo and glad to know that it cured you of whatever it is you had. I get acupuncture too and we go raw as well!!
Take care you lovely Irish's!
Love nibbles,
Miss Sunshade
Hey, McGillicutty! How are you doing? We can't stop thinking about you! We miss you!
ReplyDeleteLove ya lots
Maggie and Mitch
Hey hey hey!!!! We just saw your comment on Scribbles blog and wanted to come by and tell you you made our day!!!! We were so happy to hear your moma is (albeit slowly) getting better! Yippee yie ohhhh! ('Xcuse our cowboy talk ... we've sorta been in character the past couple of days!)
ReplyDeleteAnyway ... we think about you tons and have been hoping and praying that things are gettin' better. You tell your Moma that we're all here ... and to do whatever it takes to heal up and get much much better. It sounds like you're in good hands and we KNOW you are prob'ly the VeryBestTherapy.
Don't worry about commenting or posting. Worry about healing. And know your friends are here for you.
Jake and Fergi and MomaSally (NinaGirlie is off at college ... sniff sniff)
Here we are again. Wanting you to know that we'll be thinkin' of your moma on 14 Nov 10. During the Worldwide Moment. Read on. OK?
ReplyDeleteOK. We're gonna admit. Straightaway. No bones about it. We're taking the easy peasy way out. We want to get around to EVERYONE on our blog roll to remind you about the Second Annual Worldwide Moment coming up on Sunday 14 Nov 10. Were you there last year? Do you remember? Or are you new to it this year? Wondering what that Countdown Clock is on blogs that you visit? Whatever. We want you and everyone you know to have a chance to participate in the Silent Minute, the Candle Lighting and the Shout Out! Come visit. We've got a new banner for you, HTML for an (accurate, now that the word UNTIL is in red) Countdown Clock and a link to figure out what time 11:00 PM GMT is in your neck of the woods.
So. You're getting this 'cause we've been friends in the blogging world and we want you to know.
Please forgive the "stock" comment, but we told Moma we've never done this before and we'll not do it again (at least until next year.)
Loads of wirey love and lots of encouragment to join in (and to pass the word)
Jake and Fergi (and OurMoma and OurCollegeGirl)
Just checking in to see how your mommy is doing. We miss seeing you & hope her surgeries went well. Please let us know how she is doing.
BabyRocketDog and Hootie
and Cassie
Hi there!
ReplyDeleteToday is St. Patrick's Day and we HAD to stop by and say HELLO and send you some love and kisses from Indy.
We hope your mom is doing better...we think of her a lot and hope she is recovering nicely.
I hope you don't mind....but in honor of today, I changed my name to Salinger O'Jack Seamus McGillicutty Kelley-Lawson!
Have a great day!
S-Dog and Mom Laura
you & hope her surgeries went well. Please let us know how she is doing.Challenge coins
ReplyDeleteThank you very much for the information that has been conveyed
ReplyDeleteHelpful ya on the information that has been conveyed
ReplyDeleteWe just love seeing you both with your mom and making sure she is feeling better now. Thanks for sharing the lovely photos with your shades on. Have a great day.
ReplyDeleteWorld of Animals
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