Before we get to our post....
This message is for Lacienursiebeastiecakes.... wherever you are...
McJules aka McMuffer, here...
I'm ARMED with me bunny slippers to throw at ya! AND, YES
me toofers have been sharpened...
Oh, and I have enough re-runs of
"The Golden Girls" and "Mama's Family"
to keep me up ALL night long!

A new doggie (unisex) pawfume was purchased
for me muffur and me. It is called "Sexy Beast",
and it smells so, so good.
Even the vet commented that we smelled good.
Some of you know that me McMuffer, McJules, is a model.
Some of you ALSO know that I am out of commission for a while
because I have injured me cruciate ligament and me paw pad.
SO, me muffer thought that she would teach me the
tools of her trade to occupy me time since
I can't go on walkies or go to daycare right now.
BUT, me Laciegirl comes over every night to take
care of me. What a great nurse she is!!!
I just don't remember much after she leaves... bizarre, huh?
Me muffer is giving me Laciecakes, er, um,
She just barks and bites whatever she can get first (her arse)
when she sees me Laciebeastienurse enter our home.
I digress... out of me personal life and on to me
Okay, me lad. Mom bought us this new pawfume,
and the designers want photos of us
modeling it. The name of the pawfume is
"Sexy Beast"
First, you need to know how to not only look into
the camera, but how to look beyond the camera
and pretend that you are in love with camera.
McJ: Like this.
McG: Like This?
McJ: Um, not quite, me lad
Oh, me knows now...
Like THIS...
Yes, yes, me thinks you're getting it, me son!
Now, here are some of me own photo shoots.
Remember, Be A
Introducing the New Fragrance,
Sexy Beast...
Oooooo Sexxxxxy....
Oooooooooo BEASTIE!!!!!!!
Sexy Beast----Buy It Today!
McJ: Okay, me lad, your turn...
McG: I don't want to, muffer. Do I HAVE to?
McMuffer: YES!!!
McG: Well, okay, here goes!
(Mom apologizes for the bad focus... she was laughing at me)
Nom, nom, nom, nom, nom!!!
(Non-toxic to dogs, folks... or so it says)
McG: Muffer??? Hey, Wake up, McMuffer?
McJ: You wear me out, son.
McG: All in a day's work!!!!!
Pee-ess... Laciebeastienursiecakes, um, NOW would be a great time to come over!!!!
(Disclaimer: We have NO connections with the pawfume, SexyBeast. It is a fragrance that we like for our, well, beasts. Besides, McMuffer wanted to do a photo shoot with her boy, and this provided the pawfect opportunity.)
(Again, this is NOT an advertisement)
OMYGOOGLYMOOGLEY!!! That stuff is spensive! SHE said maybe we should bottle Puff's eau de stink and call it Stinky Beast, bound to keep people away from yer door!
ReplyDeleteLove the toofer look.
Thank dog it is khool and wet outside so I khan go reset my temperature after THAT hot session!
PeeEssWoo: Please take it easy so woo khan get better BUT DO DO DO watch THE BEASTIE!
OMD...Mumsie is rolling on the floor...somethin' bout that pic of McMuffer lookin' every bit the part she imagines...
ReplyDeleteFrankly, there is nuthin' more terrierfyin' than getting attacked with a bunny slipper and fangs upon arrival to a nursing case...she's even tossed those horrid curlers at me...
I think that pawfume was named after me...
Is SHE still asleep?
I'm on my way over...
BTW, a side effect of my smoothies is increased thirst...sorry.
Kisses, my pet...
Goshers, you sure are one sexy beast indeed. Love the shot where you are just showing a little bit of teef. A tiny bit of fang. Nice tease..
ReplyDeleteHey, the Inkypup is out of action because of the cruciate ligament too. Maybe you should head over to our house some time so you can be couch potatoes together...Your muffer can come too..
I'll have to try some of that stuff! (And my Parental Unit is thrilled that she got so see that glorious sofa again!
ReplyDeleteAnd so glad to hear that Jackson's on the mend...
Talk with you soon.
Your buddy,
Watch out for that nurse Lacie and her smoothies. You are a most sexy beast. The ladies will go wild.
oh my this is going to drive the laciebeast mad I tell ya. I gotta get a sniff of this stuff!
ReplyDeleteYou two are hysterical!!
ReplyDeleteBenny & Lily
ohOHoh...mcg....sounds like your mcmuffer and my Ms.Blue are cut from the same plaid. hmmmm a beastie boy eh? well now, Ms.Persephone said she's rather drawn to red-heads, dunno whether that smell...i mean scent, will do it for you but, the pictures are priceless you will have to bat them off w/your shillelagh if you're not don't drench the red locks in the beastie stuff kiddo. as for the leg -- guess you'll be laying low for wee bit --did your mcmuffer tell you not to do big jumps when you're a wee laddy??? ouchy ouchy! anyhow we'll send you a case of the black stuff -- should help the pain.
ReplyDeletetheBUSTER, Ms.Blue, & Ms.Persephone
ReplyDeleteThat's what we understand -- the DWB will be open again to new members.
Check out Opy's blog -- she explains!
Wirey woofs!
Jake and Just Harry
Heya McGilly,
ReplyDeleteYou are one funny & handsome Irish lad I gotta admit, and while flirting with handsome BOYZ is my specialty, seeing that you are Laciecake's man (I mean, one of them), I will hold my mouth..... That Sexy Beast you got there, you better be ready for Laciecakes tonight. Don't think she'll be doing too much nursing.... another thought, she might just be "nursing" (with her nurse outfit of course) all night long!
I hope your cruciate ligament gets better soon... I know what you're going through, I had both of my cruciates repaired surgically...
Love nibbles,
Miss Sunshade
Ahhhhhh can we ask you a question? WHere can I get some of this stuff??? Love Aggie and GUm boy
ReplyDeleteLOL! You always make me laugh.
ReplyDeleteI Love the rollers! :)
seems like you havent woofed in ages hoping you are ok and that your paw isnt troubling you loves and licks
ReplyDeleteWell. We s'pose this place is gonna start filling up with well wishes for your moma, Gilly (and Muffer.) We just got the word from your Lacienursiebeastiecakes that some good ol' terrier zen can be appropriately sent your way. We know you're in good hands (and we'll offer our mild mannered services) with friends and nurses. And that's a good thing. But we want you to know we're thinking aboutcha, hoping your moma heals up quickly ... physically and emotionally. What a HORRIBLE thing to happen. It upsets us to even think about it, let alone know you are suffering 'cause of it.
ReplyDeleteDo take care. Know we hope you are all up and around TOGETHER soon. And, in the meantime, Gilly, know that some of us are watching out for others. Just 'cause your moma is not up and about is NOT reason to take advantage of her right now. She needs you. And she needs to know you're being a good boy. Down, boy. Down!
Love and best wirey wishes we can muster southward,
Jake and Fergi and Family
Lacie just told me that your mom was in a bad accident. Oh no! We are sending all our vibes your way at once. How scary for all of you. Do take care and keep us posted. Be good doggies, OK?
Oh I KNOW that you and Muffer are being very good and that YOU WON'T TAKE ADVANTAGE of the situation.
ReplyDeleteI have arrived and am nuring your mom...the dead chicken soup is boiling on the stove and I have 12 blenders set up for instant relief...
Could you stop by with more, no I don't need Muffer to help. We'll keep her and her sharpened toofers at your friend's house.
Now, no hanky panky...I'm in uniform.
Buckets of love from us terriers...
Just heard the awful news! You poor thing. Wish we all lived closer so we could lend a helping hand or paw! Take it easy and feel better soon!
ReplyDeleteYour pals,
Petey, Mica and their Mom
We're sending loads of healing Aire-zen for your mom! We hope she's all better VERY soon!
Penny &Patches
Hey McDoggies! We just heard about your mommy's wreck. Hope she heals real quickly and that things aren't too stressfull for her. (We just had an accident last night too - we're okay.) The folks are a mess though. oh well.
BRD & Hootie
oh no lacie's just told us your momma is hurting we hope she is just a bit shaken and not broken - hang in there slobbers and licks really are the best medicine!
ReplyDeleteHi Irish Doggies,
ReplyDeleteYou must tell your Mommy to feel better, and you should tell your dog Mommy she is a great Mommy to protect you and model well.
Sally Ann
w00fs, me hopes u and ur mama will b has tried to come visit u b4, but always got the sorry this bloggy is private...blogger is sure strange sumtimes..anyways nice to meeted u both..
ReplyDeleteb safe,
Lacie just told us about your mom, McGillicutty! We're sending lots of AireZen and paws and fingers are crossed that she's 100% soon!
ReplyDeleteLove ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
Hey Gillie. Wagged over double quick to give your Mom our bestest love n healing kisses. What an awful horrid thing to happen. We are thinking of you and paws and fingers crossed your Mom will be recovered very very very soon.
ReplyDeleteWiry love n kisses Eric + B xxx
G'day Gillie mate,
ReplyDeleteWe heard about the terrible accident your mum had. Crikey, you must be so worried. Hope she gets better soon. We're sending Aussie aire-zen for her matie.
Noah Willow Tess Lucy
Now Gillie...we just stopped back to see if the chicken soup is stop tryin' to kiss me...
ReplyDeleteI am ON DUTY and you're not supposed to be here anyway...
Could you trot over to the freezer and fetch more ice as long as your here?
I'm tryin' an Irish green smoothie for your Mum...just a bit of lime and LOTS OF BLARNEY...
This one is a BIT concentrated...let's just put the smallish straw in...
Is that Muffer at the door? She's out and about in her bunny slippers and rollers? Does she ever take those things out...
You dogs better skeee dattle...
Only we nurses are to be helpin' out right now...
Kisses to all!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Miss Cakielakes, almost RN
I have my paws crossed for your Mom!
ReplyDeleteI really hope she is doing well!
Sure that was a scary episode!
Please take care!
Kisses and hugs
Gillie and McMuffew
ReplyDeleteI just got back fwom my twip and heawd about youw poow Mom
I'm so vewy vewy sowwy!!!!!!!
I hope she gets totally bettew soonest! I'm cwossing my paws and Mommi is saying a pwayew and I'm sending healing smoochie kisses
and all my love
Stoppin' by to see how your Mama is feeling this morning...
ReplyDeleteWe're thinkin' of her!!!
Laciekins etc!!
Hey Ghillie -- we heard about your mom's automobile accident and are so sorry she had to experience such a scary thing. Hope she's starting to feel better and we're sending her (and you and McMuffer) our wirey love to help her get over all the soreness.
ReplyDeleteWirey woofs,
Jake and Just Harry
Oh no,no,no. We just heard about your Mom being in an accident - how awful - we are sending a gazillion golden vibes and our prayers that she is doing okay.
ReplyDeleteHugs xo
Sammie and family
Honestly Gillie...just when I got your mom down for a nap (no easy task) stoopid Mumsie has to call and BLAB BLAB BLAB...
ReplyDeleteHow is my patient supposed to get any rest?
I am a bit concerned about does she EVER take off that housecoat and remove those curlers? I'm thinkin' bout buyin her some electric rollers..
She's been very helpful helping me nurse your mom...she'd be a lot more helpful if she'd stop chasing me around the dining room table screechin' STAY AWAY FROM ME SON YA LITTLE STRUMPET...
Hmm...the Lacie has been called many names, but that's a first for strumpet. What is that anyway? Some kinda musical instrument????
Now Gillie...I'm getting your mom some knitting needles pronto...yes, yes I can knit...with twenty claws it goes rather quickly...but your mom seems to need to keep busy...
Oh...get a book of crossword puzzles too...that might help...
Asta is coming for the midnight shift...which means I'm OFF DUTY.
I'm just sayin', Gillie...
Giggly barks,
Hello - we are so sorry - we have been away a long while - we heard the scary news - we hope your Mom is feeling much better ! I am sure with all that nurse attention you will be back on all four paws in no time! Sending lots of terrier zen
Sally and Paddy
Gillie boy!!!
ReplyDeleteI just wanted to stop by and tell you that I am thinking about your poor Momma!
I hope she gets well VERY SOON!!!!!!!!
Hi Gillie!
ReplyDeleteWe're sending Nelly Nibbles and Finni Headrubs (big ones!) to your Mummy to get better quickly!
We miss you Gillie's Mummy!
... Oh, and lots of AireZen too!
Nelly xx
We're thinking of you, McGillicutty's mommy! We're still sending you lots and lots of AireZen and hoping you're feeling better soon!
ReplyDeleteLove ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
Oh my, my, my....
ReplyDeleteYou dogs have been MUCH BETTER NURSIES today...
Morning care, check
Bed made properly (quarters bounce), check
Adequate nourishment for patient, check
No Guinness for patient before noon, check
Range of joint motion properly done, check
NSAIDS given...check
Smoothies made per Lacie's secret recipe...check
Mummer's face slurped q hour, check
Soothing backrub given, check
No howling, check
And Muffer got out of her housecoat, curlers and bunny slippers for the 3-11 shift...CHECK
Uniforms pressed and starched, hemline proper length...(which if judged by Lacie's hemlines barely covering her derriere works for her...)
No runs in support stockings, shoes freshly polished...
You dogs rock!!
Healing kisses to your Mummers...hope her test today went ok....
Miss Lacie Nursie, almost RN
we are in the middle of packing and moving and just saw this terrible email about your Mom and we came over right away. We are sending all the healing vibes we can muster. So sorry pals.
ReplyDeleteJaime, I hope you are doing better! Are you up and moving around at all? Please call me if I can do anything for you.... are the dogs being good? (ya, right )
ReplyDeleteHope to see you soon.... cuz that will mean you are feeling much better. :-)
No Gillie...I'm on the night shift tonight...
ReplyDeleteNo, you can't assist just wouldn't be proper.
We hafta give Asta a day off at least once a week.
I mixed up a special ointment to try on your mom's full of Vicks and onions...I'm sure it will help tremendously...
If nuthin' else it could be a decent base for soup...minus the Vicks...
And I want your mom to concentrate on breathing...yep...just something as simple as that can help with the pain...mindful breathing...
Visual imagery is an amazing thing,too...Mumsie's gonna look up some books to see if she can find anything to help her...
Let us know how she's doing, ok?!
We love ya!!!
Nurse Lacie
Dearest Gillie, Muffer and Mummers...
ReplyDeleteForgive our absence...we want to know how you all are??!! We sooooooooo hope your Mummers is feelin' much better!!!
And able to move around a little better!!!
Kisses to all of you and know we're thinking of you, kay?
Lotsa terrier love...
Lacie, Scruffy, Stanny and Mumsie
Hey, we're just checking in to see how your mom (your human mom) is doing. We hope you'll be back to blogging soon so we can hear for ourselves how everything is!!
ReplyDeleteWirey woofs,
Jake and Just Harry
Hey Gilly, we're stopping by to see how your mama is doing. Seems we were all in car wrecks the same week. We're so sorry to hear that your Mommy was hurt. We've been crossin' our paws for her to get well soon.
ReplyDeleteSmooches from pooches,
BabyRocketDog and Hootie
(using mom's blog)
Oh not to worry...I'm stopping by and visiting your Mummer...have a new smoothie for her to try...guaranteed to allow her to have a nice nappie while I try out her new I Toy!!!
ReplyDeleteDo they come in purple?? How cool would that be?
We're trying to get Mumsie off the puter and to the park...she's so lazy....
Kisses to all of you dear, Gillie and especially to your mom!!!
Laciegirlie et al!
ReplyDeleteSorry we've been gone for so long. Been so busy doing so much Therapy work. One of my patients passed away. But we are back now, and it seems you are up to your old shananigans which I think is fantastic!!
Much Love,
Woof and Hugz,
Josie and Blues
Gillie, we were away on holiday and have been back a couple of weeks - we wondereed where you had gone to and then we come and read this dreadful news about your poor mum.
ReplyDeleteWe hope you are all OK as you have been silent for a while - then again sometimes you need to have a bit of a break from blogging!
love and kisses
martha and bailey xxx
We're stopping by to wish your mom a happy mother's day, McGillicutty! Give her lickies from us, okay?
ReplyDeleteLove ya lots
Maggie and Mitch