I looked up at her with me big brown eyes every so often to let her know that I'm here for her. I love me moms so, so much.

McMuffer left the room to make sure her food bowl was there (of course)---plus sized model, you know. She rubbed in the clothes in the closet and she checked in on us every now and again. Me? I never moved... glued to me mom's side. Sidenote: McMuffer now weighs 32 lbs. (down from 43 lbs) and has about 5 lbs to go. She's upset that she may lose her contract with her modeling agency for the big and beautiful. She's quite slender, I must say.
Me moms doesn't feel like using the puter too much these days (even with the iPad that me pops bought her) so she asked me to apologize. She is just in too much pain. So, I snuck onto the puter when she wasn't lookin'. Send some zen and pawers her way. They are trying to find the best surgeon for the procedure, and me hopes that she just magically heals without it, but the docs say it is necessary. Me thinks she needs to hurry up and get out of pain, heal, and get me home. I miss home, me toys, me yard, me runs with her, me treats, me Tempurpedic bed, me pillow, me mom's lap, me sofa, me pops' embrace, me pops belly rubs, and stealing off of me kitchen counter.
Here are some photos taken at Easter--just the weekend before the wreck. Look how happy we are!! Oh, I miss me mom. Oh, and there is one that has me with me 1st acupuncture needle. By the way, that holistic vet cured me.. I haven't had a problem since the day I saw her---March 31st. I now know how McMuffer got fat----I enjoy me food now---raw, baby. It may be a while before you guys hear from us, but we miss you like crazy!!!!!!!