The mcgillinator

he Life of an Irish Terrier And His Many Adventures And Shenanigans:

Hi There! My name is McGillicutty, and I'm so glad that you stopped by to visit my blog. I am a debonaire young lad who is as mischeivious as he is handsome. I hope you enjoy my blog!

follow me, and i'll lead you through some wild adventures. so, sit back, grab a guinness (or harp, smithwick's, and any of me other favorite irish brewskies), and enjoy!

let me know you visited, why don't ya?

...“If you're lucky enough to be Irish, then you're lucky enough."

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Here's To You Jackson... Saying Prayers For You, Me Lad

Jax, our tough terrier friend, we all are sending
prayers and healing paws your way, me lad.

Our Flags Are Stretched

Our Circle Is Around You

And Asta's "wishing on the dogstaw"

Channel that terrier in you, me lad!
Paws are crossed here

Irish Love,
McG and McJ


  1. Good job, Gillie!!!

    Wirey love,

    Jake and Just Harry

  2. I have my paws crossed too!
    Kisses and hugs

  3. Here, too, Gillie!

    Lover and Lots of Koobuss Kisses,

  4. We're sending Jackson lots of AireZen, McGillicutty, and our paws are tightly crossed for him.

    Love ya lots
    Maggie and Mitch

  5. I'm off to send my wishes to Jackson!

  6. Oh my sweet Gillie...we heard that Jackson is a bit better today and was able to trample the flowers in his garden a bit...we are so hoping he's able to pull through this latest illness...

    How's your knee doin' Gillie? And your tummy??? Oh my...thank McMuffer for that last bit of lipo she did on my jeans fit so much better!

    We all got bathed today and brushed and stripped and tortured...I do smell a bit better...

    Kisses, my dears!


  7. Deew Gillie sweet boy and Mc Muffew Jules

    Thank you fow joining ouw ciwcle of paws..we have loads of powew and Jax is using all his tewwiew stubbownness and stwenght to fight this latest battle in his life.
    Thank dog fow all ouw wondewful fwiends
    smoochie kisses

  8. See what the power of one more terrier type can do to help raise a (temporarily) downed one of our own back to his feet! Isn't it grrrreat that Jackson is making some progress? It sure made us happy!

    Sorry to hear you're grounded ... that may be history by now 'cause we're playing catch up again. As soon as Fergi wakes up, I'll deliver the suggestion you sent her way. (She's pretty passed on on her bed right now.) You never can tell about that girl. Anything's possible.

    Your comrade
    Jake (and Fergs ... she'd want me to say that)

  9. whoa!! a kindred spirit! this here is theBUSTER also a card kerrying irish lad. looks to be we are in the same circle sending blue zen to jackson in his hour of need. we're the irish blue contingency. stop over for a wee bit o'irish nectar...look at the st.paddys' post and we'll be toastin' jackson!
    a few slurps and butt bopps to you.
    theBUSTER, Ms.Bailey Blue & Ms.Persephone

  10. Hey there McGilly...
    I've come over from nurse Lacie's blog because I heard that your momma isn't that well. Just wanted to send lotsaluv and lotsalicks so that she can get better soon.

  11. Can you share some of the most exciting adventures that the Irish Terrier in the story experienced, and how did those experiences shape his character?Telkom University


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