At me birthday pawty, me Lacieprincess jumped out of me cake.
I was SO surprised!!!!
She had her blender and a pawple creation already made.
She was stunning in that green dress... arooooooo!!!
She said, "Hey me Irish Studmuffin! Let's go to Bark Vegas!"

When we got to Bark Vegas, there was ANOTHER
Barkday Pawty!
Excuse the green icing all over us - those things were quite
messy, especially after 2 pawple Lacie smoothies!
Now, Doyle and Mollie Threw this HUGE Pawty for me, so
you may have already seen the photo on his blog
If not go and visit it NOW!
Here are just a few photos from their site:
Hey, did ya know that Doyle has his own lounge?
Here I am with Mollie and Joe Stains
(he's wearing green contacts to honor me birthday AND St. Paddy's Day!)
Oh, that Joe!!!

Here I am with me best pal, Colin Farrell.
"Good to see ya, me lad!"
Me thinks Doyle and Asta were a bit shocked that I knew Colin.
But, I'm the McGillinator--'nuff said.
We were all bolloxed --- even Mango and Khyra (me thinks me Laciegirl slipped
Khyra a special smoothie blend in her
iced tea--from the looks of Kyhra's face)
Look at me face!!! I was buckled!!!
Now, back to me date...
A quick change of clothes, and off to dinner at
The Nine Fine Irishmen! Num, num, num, num, num!
(Look at what a cute couple we are!)
It was located inside New York, New York Casino,
so we decided to do a little gambling.
Me favorite game is Craps because....
well, never mind that.
WE WON BIG!!!!!!!!!!
Here is winning the picture...

We won a RED Ferrari (even though me Laciegirl insisted upon pawple)!!!!!
Me Laciebeastieprincessit'sallaboutmegirl
wanted to drive even though her driver's license has been revoked!
So against me better judgement...

We took it for a spin down the Strip
Well, don't ya know that she ran into a fire hydrant!!!
We were right in front of the Bellagio, so we made the most of the, ahem, stop.
This time, we won 5.6 million smackeroonies!!!!
Well, after those doggone taxes (more than human taxes),
We were only left with 1.1 million smackeroonies.
Here is the photo of us capturing our winnings...
Then, what else, we went and bought ANOTHER ferrari, oh yeah, baby!!!
This time we got a Ferrari 575 M Maranello
We spent the next couple of days getting spa treatments and
losing and winning and losing and winning
and losing and losing....
So, me asked me favorite girlie if she wanted to go to Tiffany's and spend the rest on a real fancy collar necklace, and she of course said...
So, off to the jewelry counter we went!
She had the hardest time making up her mind....
but, she finally did.
You know what? $1.1 Million doesn't last very long!!!
Well, at least not if you are the McGillinator and his Lacinator!
We realized we had spent ALL the money!!!!
So, we came home to me muffur looking at us like this...
Blimey! Was she a mad Aul Wan!!
Me Laciepoopikins dashed, AND took the Ferrari!
Me hopes she makes it home to Mumsie!
Me hopes me muffur lets me LIVE!
She said,
"Me lad, I brought you into this world and I can take you out!"
(me thinks she had been watching too many Cosby Show reruns, but I digress)
She blathered on and on...

So this was me 3rd Barkday!!!
Me "Of Age to Drink" Barkday!!!
And, it was GRAND!!!!
Oh, and me Laciecakes made it home safely to her
Mumsie and Pops and Scruffy and Stanley.
The condition of the Ferrari is unknown!
I do hope some of what happened in Vegas stays in Vegas!
ReplyDeleteWoo are so furry brave but I do hope woo've learned your lesson
WHICH IS: next time woo want a McLaren!
Khyra & Khousin Merdie
PeeEssWoo: BTW, what DID she put in that drink?
Happy Happy Barkday! It looks lie y'all celebrated well.
ReplyDeleteSally Ann
not lie, like, bad Mommy
ReplyDeleteSally Ann
And all this time, Fergi was resting quietly on her big bed. Looking beautiful. Modeling what a real princess does. Just think. If only you'd taken another path. But ... well ... that's the way the cookie crumbles, and there's always another pooch around to snarf up the crumbs.
ReplyDeleteWe're sooper glad you had a grand time. Just a bit sorry your muffer may have to do some "parenting" on ya. Hope she's gentle.
Love and best wishes for a great year,
Jake (and the still in repose Miss Fergi) xxoo
That was a super duper party. I see the Lacie beast was herself as always.
WOW! I think you may have topped that guy on the beer commercial as "The Most Interesting Dog/man In the World"!!!
ReplyDeleteWhat a trip!
Happy Barkday Buddy!!!!!
P.S. Daddy calls me "Sally-Me-Boy" all the time!!!!
Some party. Next year we should do it on Beale St.
Boy, do you know how to pawty!
ReplyDeleteHappy barkday!
Nelly xx
You are a party animal..BOL
ReplyDeleteHappy Birthday
and Happy Saturday
Benny & Lily
Honestly, Gillie...I have no idea why the snaps you developed of our DATE have Mumsie rollin' around the the kitchen floor...and that last one of ye Muffer? I mean...that pic IS NOT FUNNY AT ALL...did ya see her chasin' my outta your houseie with those THINGS in her fur, her bathrobe and those frightening bunny slippers? But for some reason, Mumsie took a fancy to it and it's now on our desktop in a place of honor...BTW, she said she's never known ANYBODY to learn to "develop" pix so fast in her life...
ReplyDeleteWeren't my ensembles TOTALLY DIVINE? I did look adorable if I do say so myself...
Oh, and I apologize about incorrectly whinin' to Khyra that you were taking time out on our date to um HAVE A DENTAL. Your Muffer musta used ur phone when she texted and I was so enraged er um engaged that I missed her signature...yes, yes, I was singing YOU'RE SO VAIN on Khyra's bloggie...figurin' you thought my khomment was about might not be old enuff to channel your inner Carly Simon? I just know the words cuz Mumsie's like 476 years old...but anyway, are your Muffer's toofers sparkin' now? They didn't like sharpen them did they? Frankly, I think they were sharp enuff...
Oh Gillie...Um about the FUR ARE WHEEEEEEE, well, it has a little bit of a dent on the back...I don't do so well in reverse and I smashed it pullin' outta a parkin' space...the car sorta landed in the Mississippi River.
Now don't worry...I purchased a gallon of concentrated MANGO SUDS..the pawfect thing to clean and polish with...
Love and kisses,
Wow! I bet you and your hoomans are sleeping all day today after all that partying-what fun! My Parental Unit is jealous-she has to take her partying (or lack thereof) up a few thousand notches....
ReplyDeleteYour buddy,
Hey Gillie pal.No wonder your Irish eyes are smiling. Wicked date huh? Made me crack up all those great photos err I saw your muffer. Scareeeeyy. She can always borrow my GHD straightners. Much quicker than them old fangled curlers.
ReplyDeleteWiry love Eric xxx
What a super fun, crazy party!
ReplyDeleteHi, Gillie!
ReplyDeleteI knew that celebrating your birthday with Lacie was going to be a very interesting experience... and I can see it was!
Kisses and hugs
Wow! What a pawty! This is definitely one barkday to remember!
ReplyDeleteLove ya lots
Maggie and Mitch
Wow! What an adventure! Vegas Baby! Vegas! You are an Irish Studmuffin (I'm secure enough in my masculinity to say so!). That was one hell of a party! You know Colin? My mom loves him. When my uncle Ryan translates for me, he does an Irish Colin Farrell accent for my voice and drops a lot of f-bombs!
PS. To answer your question: I came from Arizona. My breeder is Stephanie Mars. Her Irish are bred for temperment and seem to be known for their terrierific red coats. I've had other breeders tell my mom that my fur is so good it's putting their show dogs to shame but then they lay into my mom for not hand stripping me anymore. Sometimes my mom feels like everyone is a critic! Ugh... and right now I seem to have something stuck to my eyebrow. I'm going to run away from my mom now. Later!
Hi Gillie
ReplyDeleteWe reckon that must have been the best barkday ever!
We loved seeing all those cool pics - you had a great time!
We reckon you will need to rest for a few days now to recover!!!!
Martha & bailey xxx
we were going to post yesterday but figured you would be sleeping, recovering from all your adventures - well done on keeping lacie in line and we think your muffer looks grand in her housecoat and rollers arf arf arf
ReplyDeleteHappy 3rd Barkday McG!! Looks like you had the very best time. And that cake...BowWowzer man!!
DO you REally know Colin?? I think he's so handsome,for a hooman that is.BOL!
Oh Gillie...
ReplyDeleteI really really need to get back into your house...I um well BORROWED a WONDERBRA from your McMuffer...yeppers...under her granny pants in that third drawer on the left she has some mighty interestin' unmentionables...
I'm just not sure how to get back into your house without having a bunny slipper tossed at me...or be nipped at with her freshly sharpened teeth...
Gillie...could you be a dear and run this back up to her dresser?
OMD...Lacie quickly hides behind the sofa...
"McGillicutty...what in heaven's name are you doing with my um Wonderbra?" AND my purple thong?
McMuffer's voice rises to new heights...
Does SHE have anything to do with this?
Or is my son walkin' around in my oh never mind....I know that Lakeland is here somewhere...
Come on out, you little strumpet!! I'll find ya!!!
A curtain is drawn on the ensuing scene.
Which is probably a good thing.
I'm tellin' ya. You should've gone with Fergi. You'd be in a lot less trouble.
Hey what a fun birthday party you had! Thanks for stopping by my blog and wishing me well during my recovery. Hopefully soon I'll be back up and running and can join you for a virtual party!
ReplyDeleteLicks and wags...
Hi McGillicutty,
ReplyDeleteA belated Happy Birthday and Happy St. Patrick's Day to ya!! Thought I'd take you up on your offer and stop by for a Guiness!
Hope Lacie doesn't get you in any trouble!!
Love and Lots of Koobuss Kisses,