Before we get to our post....
This message is for Lacienursiebeastiecakes.... wherever you are...
McJules aka McMuffer, here...
I'm ARMED with me bunny slippers to throw at ya! AND, YES
me toofers have been sharpened...
Oh, and I have enough re-runs of
"The Golden Girls" and "Mama's Family"
to keep me up ALL night long!

A new doggie (unisex) pawfume was purchased
for me muffur and me. It is called "Sexy Beast",
and it smells so, so good.
Even the vet commented that we smelled good.
Some of you know that me McMuffer, McJules, is a model.
Some of you ALSO know that I am out of commission for a while
because I have injured me cruciate ligament and me paw pad.
SO, me muffer thought that she would teach me the
tools of her trade to occupy me time since
I can't go on walkies or go to daycare right now.
BUT, me Laciegirl comes over every night to take
care of me. What a great nurse she is!!!
I just don't remember much after she leaves... bizarre, huh?
Me muffer is giving me Laciecakes, er, um,
She just barks and bites whatever she can get first (her arse)
when she sees me Laciebeastienurse enter our home.
I digress... out of me personal life and on to me
Okay, me lad. Mom bought us this new pawfume,
and the designers want photos of us
modeling it. The name of the pawfume is
"Sexy Beast"
First, you need to know how to not only look into
the camera, but how to look beyond the camera
and pretend that you are in love with camera.
McJ: Like this.
McG: Like This?
McJ: Um, not quite, me lad
Oh, me knows now...
Like THIS...
Yes, yes, me thinks you're getting it, me son!
Now, here are some of me own photo shoots.
Remember, Be A
Introducing the New Fragrance,
Sexy Beast...
Oooooo Sexxxxxy....
Oooooooooo BEASTIE!!!!!!!
Sexy Beast----Buy It Today!
McJ: Okay, me lad, your turn...
McG: I don't want to, muffer. Do I HAVE to?
McMuffer: YES!!!
McG: Well, okay, here goes!
(Mom apologizes for the bad focus... she was laughing at me)
Nom, nom, nom, nom, nom!!!
(Non-toxic to dogs, folks... or so it says)
McG: Muffer??? Hey, Wake up, McMuffer?
McJ: You wear me out, son.
McG: All in a day's work!!!!!
Pee-ess... Laciebeastienursiecakes, um, NOW would be a great time to come over!!!!
(Disclaimer: We have NO connections with the pawfume, SexyBeast. It is a fragrance that we like for our, well, beasts. Besides, McMuffer wanted to do a photo shoot with her boy, and this provided the pawfect opportunity.)
(Again, this is NOT an advertisement)