What is it, Mom? I was just catching up on the most recent issue of New York Magazine so I can see what's going on in Asta's world (Notice the magazine to the right).

Oh, I got Royal Mail? Well, of course, what else would you expect me to get? I mean, you think I'd get any other? I, myself get royal treatment, and....what's that? OH! Ok, that means it's from England? Did Eric send me something, or did Bobby? Oh, neither one?

It's from Lucy Jackson? Who's that? (Notice not Who 'Dat) I remember now! She is THE Irish Terrier expert of all time. She writes the book of Irish Terrier, literally. She even has children's books about Irish Terriers. I think her website is www.weloveirishterriers.com I check it all the time. She is such a nice lady who is devoted to our breed. How cool is that? Anyway, that means SHE IS A CELEBRITY sending ME mail!!! Oh cool, Let's open now!

Armmgh,Armghm,Rip,Chew, Mmm..Paper...Fiber...Swallow...Good for Gillie. Huh? Ok, Mom, no swallowing the paper.
Say, how'd she find out about me? I mean, I know I'm famous, but all the way in England, come on?
Oh, you've been communicating with her and her assistant? Why, might me ask?
About Juliet? That's me dog mom's name...what about her?

Yeah, I can't read dat..moving on...

A CALENDAR! WOW! JUST WHAT ME NEEDED! Now, me can pencil in all me hot dates. Oh, and it's an Irish Terrier calendar. I love it! Thanks Ms. Lucy!

Hey...isn't that Ms. Jane's dogs? She signed my guestbook with this photo...how cool.

Lacie, I'm lookin' at this date right here.

Now, back to this human writing...what's that say, Mom? Why does Juliet need luck? Why do WE need luck with Juliet? We are WHAT? REALLY? Oh my dogness! Can't breathe, can't think, oh dogness...oh me Irish heart...
You mean to say that she may be coming to visit? What? For good? So, I will have constant company? Oh boy, fun times ahead!
Wait a minute, you getting rid of me? Or, are you sending me away again to do dog shows? Oh, phew! Yay! I'm gonna have a sister, er, another mother...what is she, a mister (combination of Mom and Sister)?! Will she have to fly to get here? Oh, no, let me call her and give her some tips on that.
But, will I still be "your one and only"? Hmmm...let me think about this for a few Irish moments... I'll let you know if I will allow you do to this or not after I pawnder this...More Later...

I may need to consult with all my friends out there in blogland. What's your thoughts? Drop me a Blarney or Guinness Reflection below.