The Life of an Irish Terrier And His Many Adventures And Shenanigans:
Hi There! My name is McGillicutty, and I'm so glad that you stopped by to visit my blog. I am a debonaire young lad who is as mischeivious as he is handsome. I hope you enjoy my blog!
follow me, and i'll lead you through some wild adventures. so, sit back, grab a guinness (or harp, smithwick's, and any of me other favorite irish brewskies), and enjoy!
let me know you visited, why don't ya?
...“If you're lucky enough to be Irish, then you're lucky enough."
Saturday, February 13, 2010
Lacie Had Too Many Drinks From Her Blender Me Thinks
Lacie, me little cupcake, slow down there a just drank 3 drinks in under 15 minutes...
Lacie says, "Yep, and I can drink ya under the table too, little Irishman! I've practiced at Stan's pawker pawty's. WooHoo, I feel good!"
Me thinks I have won her heart, but she's a wild one...
I think you wewe wawned. Sweet Lacie can dwink most boyz undew the table